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:: AHP and TOPSIS Ranking of Industry Companies: Machinery and Equipment Listed on the Stock Exchange using an integrative Approach (AHP-TOPSIS) Based on Financial Performance [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: AHP method. Determining of the Priorities of Government Intervention in the Health System in Iran Based on Survey of Experts (AHP Method) [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: ARDL Impact of Underground Economy on CO2 Emission in Iran 1987-2012 [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: ARDL Analysis of the Impact of Income Tax on Income Distribution Using autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) Method (Case study of Tehran province) [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: ARDL Model. Short Run and Long Run Effects of Inflation and Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: ARDL. The Investigation of the Impact of Hidden Economy on Tax Revenues and Economic Growth (MIMIC Approach) [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Analytical Network Process. Identifying and Prioritizing Financing Methods in Holding Companies Holding companies are common organizational structures in many countries. These companies are main players in new economics. The financing plans along with controlling financial risk are managers’ concerns in multi business companies. Internal capital markets and external financing through bank dept are two main methods for financing operations in holding companies. In this research, after introducing Internal Capital Markets as a new approach in financing system of holding companies, by review literature and interview with experts, wedetermine the relations between criteria with dematel, and then use analytical network process to prioritize criteria and financing methods. The results show that holding companies' managers prefer using internal capital markets, because of its results in decreasing financial risk and cost of capital.Holding companies are common organizational structures in many countries. These compan [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Analytically Hierarchy Process (AHP-Fuzzy). Investigating the Effect and Ranking of the Effective Index on Barriers to Entry of Firms in Iran’s Industry Sector (Using AHP Fuzzy Approach) [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Anomalies. Analyzing the Impact of Firm-Specific Variables on Stock Returns: A Fama-French and Fama-Macbeth Approaches [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Ati money Laundering Mechanism. Developing a Methodology to Detect Money Laundering (Using Fuzzy Logic) [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Auditor Specialization in Industry and Auditor Tenure. Effective reasons on cost of equity capital by emphasise on audit quality in the Tehran security exchange [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Auto regression (VAR). The Evaluation of the Relationship between Inflation and Production Gap in Iran [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag. The Study of Non-Oil Export and Foreign Direct Investment Effect [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Bank Stability The effect of liquidity risk and credit risk on bank stability [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Bank. Structure of Financial Market in Iran: Bank-Based or Market-Based [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Banking Crisis The Effect of Government Size and Trade Openness on Banking Crisis in Iran: Based on the Method of Jing et al. (2013) [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Banking Deposit, Banking Facilities, Banking System Transformation Plan, E-Banking. Banking System Functions and Implementation of Principal 44 of the Constitution Policies in 9th and 10th Governments [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Banks. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Real Customers’ Credit Scoring in tha banks of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case study: Mellat Bank Branches in Yazd province) [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: Basic Metals Industry. Performance Evaluation of Listed Basic Metals Corporations Using Grey Factor Analysis [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE). Identify the Main Determinants of Defense Budget in Iran through the Bayesian approach [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Bayesian Estimation Evaluation of macro factors affecting stock price index: Bayesian averaging approach [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Behavior equilibrium exchange rate Investigating the Factors Affecting Iran's Real Exchange Rate according to Selected Indicators of Sixth Development Plan Using the Vector Error Correction Model [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Behavioral Finance CEO Narcissism, Credit Risk and Corporate Innovation [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Behavioral finance The Impact of unrealistic news on investors' decisions In Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Bimeh Markazi Iran (Central Insurance of IR Iran), Performance Assessment, Outlook, Index, Procedure, KAIZEN Model Assessment of Iran’s Insurance Industry Performance and Clarification of Future Outlook [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Book-tax Difference.   The Relationship between Financial Constraints and Tax Avoidance [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: CEO- Duality The Effect of the Board of Directors’ Structure on Earnings Management in Firms Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: CGE Simulation of the Impact of Value-Added Tax Rate Changes on Iran’s Economic Sectors Using the ORANI-G-IR Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Capital Adequacy The Impact of Bank Managers' Overconfidence on Banking Stability: The Role of Supervisory Capital Regulations and Capital Adequacy in Iran [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Central Bank of Iran. The Performance Evaluation of Central Bank of Iran in Committing to Monetary Rules [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Children's Education. Study of Covid 19 Disease Epidemic in Iran Based on the Economic Situation of Households and Its Impact on Children's Education [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Collecting claims. Nudge and policies based on behavior as a powerful tool in reducing Nonperforming bank loans [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Comparative advantage Credit Provided To The Private Sector And Exports: Evidence From 45 Developing countries [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Competitiveness, Productivity, Methodology, Stages of Development, Contrastive Analysis Analysis, Assessment and Pathology of Global Competitiveness Index [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Continuity in unqualified opinion. Stock Market Reactions to the Continuation and Improvement of Auditor’s Opinion [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Contract Enforcement. Countries Experiences on Improvement of Business Environment by judiciary Reform: Emphasis on Elements of Contract Guarantee [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Contrarian investment strategy- Winner basket- Looser basket- Excessive reaction Reverse Investment Strategy:Review of The Stock Market Literature [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Control theory. Fiscal policy in a recessionary economy with high debt: An application of control theory [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Counterfactual simulation method Rule-based of Monetary Policy in Iran Inspired by McCallum Rule [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Credit Risk Simultaneous Effect of Liquidity Risk and Credit Risk on the Stability of Banks that Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Crises Costs Typology of Financial Crisis with a Focus on Banking Crises [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Customs Post-Clearance Audit Modeling In Islamic Republic Of Iran Customs [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: D. A Technological Assessment of Iranian Manufacturing Industries:An Application of Discriminant Analysis [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: D8 Countries. The Effect of Stock Market Development on the Economic Growth [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: DEA Two-stage The effect of potential mergers on liquidity creation and efficiency in Iranian banks [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: DOLS Model Investigating the Short- run and Long-run Causality Relationship between the Exchange Rate Regime and the Real Exchange Rate Misalignment in the OPEC Countries [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: DPD. Determinant Factors of Absorptive Capacity and Innovation in Iranian Economy (Case Study of Iranian Industries) [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: DSGE Inflation Behavior in the Iranian Economy under Macroeconomic Shocks: The DSGE Approach [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: Data Envelopment Analysis. Efficiency Measurement, Comparing Productivity Growth of Bank Branches in Melli Bank of Kerman Province by Using Data Envelopment Analysis [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Data of panel Political Stability and Control of Corruption on Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study on MENA Countries [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Decision Making Iranian Professional Investors’ Opinion about Superiority of Cash Flows or Earnings [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Developing countries. The impact of the Components of Business Environment on Private Sector Investment: the Case of Selected Developing Countries [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Development Nonlinear Study of Educational Effects on Iran's Economic Growth: Approach of Smooth Transition Regression [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Diplomacy De-Infiltration of Governments in Commercial litigation in the Framework of Multilateral and Regional Agreements [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Distributed interrupter autoregression The Effect of tax composition On the share of net capital stock Industry sector with ARDL approach [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Dynamic Panel Data. Relationship between Real Earning Management, Corporate Governance and Stock Crash Risk (Dynamic Panel Data) [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Dynamic panel data.   The Effect of Private Ownership on the Export Intensity in the Manufacturing of Motor Vehicles and Transport Equipment in Iran [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: EGARCH. The Effect of Oil Shocks on the Performance of Banks [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Earning Management Relation of Accounting Disclosures and Conditional and Unconditional Conservatism [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Economic Growth Analyzing the Impact of Fundamental Conditions of Listed Companies and Macroeconomic Variables on Price and Dividend Yield Indices of the Capital Market [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Economic Infrastructure. Investigating and Ranking the Factors Affecting the Foreign Investment Opportunities by TOPSIS [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Economic Sanction, Economic War, Economic of Iran Reviewing Unfair Sanctions: Features, Objectives and Fulfilled Measures [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Economic Transformation Plan, Tax System Reform Plan, Bill of Direct Tax Law Amendment, Comprehensive Tax Plan, Value Added Tax Reviewing Performance of the Transformation Tax Plan [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Education.   Begging in District 12 of Tehran and the Grand Bazaar [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Effective Supervision of Banking. Evaluating of Banking Business Emphasis on Legal and Regulatory Environment [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Efficiency. A Survey of Affecting Factors on the Countries Competitiveness with Emphasis on Iran Economy [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Employment Effects of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Facilities on Employment Trends in Selected Provinces of Iran [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Energy Price and Urbanization. Investigation of Factors Affecting Energy Consumption in Iran (with Emphasis on Financial Development Variable) [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Energy Price and Urbanization. Investigating Factors Affecting Energy Consumption in Iran (with Emphasis on the Financial Development Variable) [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Equity Shares, Income Distribution, Privatization, Eligible Persons Analysis of Justice Shares (Equity Shares) Plan Performance [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Error correction model. The Effect of Public Debt and Productivity on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Exchange Rate Estimation of Non-Oil Exports Function and Analyzing Adjustment Rate of Deviation from Its Equilibrium [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Exchange Rate, Monetary and Foreign Exchange Policy, Relative Price, Export, Import, Iran Pathology of Recent Exchange Rate Fluctuations: With Emphasis on Trade Sector [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Exploratory Analysis The Investigation of Main Determinants of Real Time Performance based Budgeting in Iran [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: FAVAR approach Assessing macroeconomic shocks, bank stability and the housing market in the Iranian economy with the FAVAR approach [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: FMOLS Short-term and Long-term Effects of exchange Rate on Bilateral Trade between Iran and the European and Asian partners (Using the Approach Panel Fmols) [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Financial System.   Role of Public Sector Accounting In Realization of Resistance Economy [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Financing Method Choosing the Best Way to Finance Small and Medium Enterprises with AHP-TOPSIS Approach [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Firms. Assessment of the Impact of Government Ownership, on Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Foreign Direct Investment The Survey of the Robust Legal Institutions of Doing Business on the Capital Flight and Attracting Foreign Direct Investment [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Foreign Financing, Direct Foreign Investment, OIETAI Foreign Financing and Investment: Principals and Requirements, Measures and Achievements [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Frankel-Dornbusch Model. Monetary Models and Exchange Rate Forecast in Iran: From Theory to Empirical Evidences [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Fuzzy Delphi Barriers and restrictions on the activity of credit rating agencies of Tehran Secutities (in order to develop the capital market) [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Fuzzy Regression Investigating the Impact of Taxation on Corporate Profit and Exchange Rate Uncertainty on FDI Capture in Iran: Fuzzy Approach [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: GARCH Model. A Study of the Effect of Uncertainty from Fluctuations of Economics Quantity on Private-Sector Investment in Iran [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: GMM Income Diversification and Profitability in Iranian Banking System [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: GMM The Impact of the Economic Complexity Index on Competitiveness: A Study of Selected Emerging Countries [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: GMM The Study on the Effects of Direct and Indirect Taxes on Income Distribution Using the Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: GMM Loan quality in Iranian banking systems [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: GMM method The Study of the Role of the Financial Development in the Relationship Between Exchange Rate And Productivity Growth: (Stock Market Development) [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: GMM. Evaluating the Relationship between Capital Flight and Total Investment in Chosen Countries of MENA Zone [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Generalized Method of Moments The Mutual Impact of Credit Risk and Bank Stability in Iranian and West Asian Banks [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) The Role of Institutions and the Abundance of Natural Resources on the Relationship between Militarization and Economic Growth: A Study of Developing Countries with the Introduction of the Global Militarization Index (GMI) [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Generalized Moments. Corruption Effects on Budget Deficit [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Generalized method of moments value added tax and tax evasion [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Gini Index. Investigation of the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Income (Expenditure) Gap [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. An Evaluation of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Indicators in Iran (2008-2012) [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Good Governance. Corporate Governance in Public Sector and Its Role in Economy of Resistance [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Government and Private Banks Estimation of Bankruptcy Immunity in Government and Private Banks of Iran (Duration Models Approach) [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Government. An Analysis of Fiscal Dominance in the Economy of Iran: Case Study of Annual Budget Laws [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Gravity Models. Investigating Factors Affecting Interprovincial Migration by Using Gravity Models [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Grounded Theory Approach. A Comprehensive Pattern of Islamic Financing in Small and Medium Industries in Iran by Grounded Theory [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Grounded Theory. Identifying the Problems and Challenges of Risk Disclosure in Banks: with an Emphasis on the Grounded Theory Method [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: HS code The effect of exchange rate fluctuations on bilateral trade: the case study of Iran and China [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Hierarchical approach. Investigating the relationship between investment efficiency, social responsibility and overconfidence of managers; emphasizing the hierarchical theory approach [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Historical Analysis. A Historical Analysis of Monetary Aggregates Definition Related to Financial Innovations [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Human Capital. The Impacts of Governance and knowledge bases Factors on Emerging Economies Exports [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Income Inequalily The Relationship among Factor Intensities, Wage-led Economic Growth and Income Inequality in the Iranian economy [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: Income gap The Investigation of Foreign trade effect on Income disturbance between each rural income deciles of Iran. [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Industrial activity Economic value of water in the manufacturing industry of Yazd Province: Value of marginal product approach [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Inflation Rate, Iran’s Inflation, VAR Model, Short-Run and Long- Run Analysis. he Study of Trend and Causes of Iran’s Inflation During (2010 -2012) and Measures Fulfilled to Subdue it [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Inflation Rate, Profit Rate, Co Integration Model, Error Correction Model The Relation between the Rate of Inflation and Deposits Profit Rates in Iran Banking System [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Inflation Targeting Monetary system. The Effects of the volume Liquidity Shocks and Inflationary Environment on the Exchange Rate System’s Survival in countries with Exchange Rate Anchor and Inflation Targeting Monetary systems [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Informal Economy The Effect of Economic Sanctions on Iran's Formal and Informal Economy [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Initial combination and remittance Jurisprudential analysis of [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Institutionalism. The Critique of General Equilibrium Theory in Neoclassical Economics [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Interim financial statements The Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanism on Timeliness of Interim Financial Reporting (Case Study: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Inventory Shock Investigating Asymmetric Effects and Fluctuations in Stock market, Inflation Shock, Inventory Shock and Unemployment in Iran’s Economy [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: Investment Studying The Influence of Cultural Values on Different Investment of Institutional Investors among Companies Listed at Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Investment Decisions. A Comparative Investigation on the Relationship between the Forward Earnings to Price Ratio with Sales Growth and Firm’s Risk in Tehran Stock Exchange in Short Term, Midterm and Long Term Periods [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Investment. Determining investment priorities in Khozestan Province with using Generation of Regional Input-Output Tables (GRIT) Method [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Iran 11 Convergence of Returns on Exchange Rate Markets in Iran [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Iran Designing and presenting a model to assess the readiness of the Iranian Customs Organization to join the Fourth Industrial Revolution [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Iran Cointegration, Causality and Augmented Wagner's law: New Evidence for the Iranian Economy [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Iran The Effect of Non-Renewable Natural Resources on Regulatory Quality and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iran The current situation and the future direction of tax evasion in Iran from the perspective of future studies [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iran The Role of Transparency in Reducing Corruption, Global Experiences Lessons for Iran [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Iran Estimating provincial Capital Stock in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Iran Modeling the Effective Factors on Economic Growth in Iran: Markov Switching GARCH Approach [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Iran InvestigatingtheEffectofTaxCoefficientsonIranianManufacturingStructures:CaseStudyofFoodandDrinkingIndustry [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Iran Economy The Road Map of Optimum Management of Monetary Policy in Iran Economy [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Iran Economy Study the Effects of Consumption Tax and Income Tax in Long-Time and Short-Time on the Private Sector Consumption in Iran Economy [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Iran's Economy Meta-Analysis of Inflation Studies in Iran's Economy [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Iran. Business Cycles and Its Role in Income Inequality in Iran [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Iran. Asymmetric Non Linear Response of Trade Balance to Real Exchange Rate Changes: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Iran. The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Iran’s Bilateral Trade in Six Major Countries [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Iran. Test of the Balance of Payments Constrained Growth Constrained Growth Model in Iran’s Agriculture Sector [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Iran\'s Economy The Study of Government Debt Sustainability in Iran’s Economy [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Iran\'sEconomy Stock Market Profitability in Iran's Economy [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Iranian Economy An Operational Framework for Calculating Import Smuggling in Iran [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Iranian Economy. Long-Run Growth of IRAN's Economy from the Lens of Export-Led Growth Model (Application of the Time-Varing Approach) [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Iranian Textile. An Analysis of the Iranian Textile Products Demand in the World Market [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Iran’s Economy, Global Economy, Sanction, Effects of Sanctions, Economical Growth, Liquidity. Iran’s Economy Accompanied by Sanctions with Emphasis on 2012 Performance [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Iran’s Economy. A Survey on the Direction of Iran’s Foreign Trade Policy [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Iran’s Exchange Regime. The Range of Pegged Exchange Rate Regimes: A Review of Their Advantages and Disadvantages Emphasizing on Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Isfahan city. The Impact of the Subsidy Reform Plan on Consumer Demand for Gasoline in Isfahan [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Islamic Jurisprudence Possibility of Using Waqf in Commercialization of Knowledge and Technology and A Proposal Model [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Johansen co-integration and vector error correction model The Effect of China’s Monetary Policy on Degree of Openness of Iran’s Economy [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Johansen co-integration and vector error correction model   The Effect of China’s Monetary Policy on Degree of Openness of Iran’s Economy [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Johansen-Juseliu The Effect of Globalization and Economic Growth on Poverty in Iran [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Juselius co-integration Johansson. Effect of Monetary and Foreign Exchange Policies on Foreign Trade in Iran [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: Kano Model. Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the taxpayers' satisfaction with the comprehensive tax plan by Kano model (Case study: Iranian National Tax Admission Organization) [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Khuzestan Province The Study of Spatial Distribution and Economic Development Rating in the Khuzestan Province Cities [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Knowledge-based Companies Identify and Prioritize Variables Affecting Credit Risk Case Study: Knowledge-based Companies Located in Science and Technology Parks of Semnan Province [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: Letter of Credit-Principle of Autonomy-Doctrine of Strict Compliance- Risk of Letter of Credit- Exporter- Importer. Analysis Risk of Exporter and Importer in Letter of Credit with Take on the Role of the Fundamental Principles of Letter of Credit in Creation of these Risks [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Life-Cycle Expenditure. The Effect of Demographic Changes on Government Social Expenditure and Life Cycle Expenditure in Iran Economy [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Liquidity Risk. An Analysis of the Efective Factors on Net Spread in the Banks of Iran [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: MAXQDA Identifying Obstacles to the Development of Rural Digital Economy (Case Study: Gilan Province) [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: Macroeconomic Dynamics Time-Varying Granger causality between dollarization, exchange rate and stock market: Lag-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (LA-VAR) Approach [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Macroeconomic Variables. Assessment of Financial Stability and Factors Affecting the Financial Stability of the Country's Banks [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Market Volatility. Price Limit: Effects, Dimensions and Analysis [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Markets Concentration The Assessment of the Market Structure of Car Industry in Iran [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Markov Investigating the Existence of a Rational Bubble in the Iranian Currency Market with an Emphasis on the Fundamental Variables of the Exchange Rate [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Merton distance to Defaul. The Effect of Credit Risk and Liquidity of Exchange Contracts on the Stability of Iran’s Banking System [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Momentum Assessing the relationship between value-at-risk and expected returns by considering the impact of investor sentiment in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Monetary and Credit Council The Role and Function of Shadow Monetary Policy Committee [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Monthly Inflation rate, Stability, Unit Roots, Nonlinear Models, STAR Models. The Study of Iran’s Monthly Inflation Rate Dynamics Using STAR Models [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: NARDL Approach The Asymmetry Effect of Real Wages on the Industrial Employment in Iran (NARDL Approach) [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Negative operating balance Providing solutions to reduce the operating balance deficit of the government’s budget [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: Non-Model Methods. An Application of Model and Non-Model Methods for Construction of a Composite Leading Indicators [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL). The Asymmetric Effect of Global Indicators of Geopolitical Risk and Economic Uncertainty on the Oil Rent in Iran [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Nonlinear Auto-Regressive Distributed Lags (NARDL). Impact of Positive and Negative Oil Shocks on the stock price index in Iran (Is This Impact Asymmetric?)  [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: OIC Countries The Impact of Globalization on Income Distribution in OIC Countries [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: OIC Member Countries. A Review of Exchange Rate Regimes Categories, Exchange Rate Regimes in OIC Member Countries & Suggestions for Iran’s Exchange Regime [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: OIC member The Spillover Effects of Free Movement of Capital on Human Development Sub-index [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Operational Cost The Effect of Information Technology on Operating Costs of Selected Iranian Banks [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Optimal Inflation The Welfare Cost of Inflation in a Steady State: An Application of Various Utility Functions in the Sidrauski Model [Volume 11, Number 44]
:: Organization’s Resources Planning. A Systematic Approach to Financial Planning in Firms and Its Implementation in an Enterprise [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Panel Cointegration Technique. The Effect of the Knowledge-Based Economy on the Development of Financial Markets: Panel Cointegration Technique with ARDL Approach [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: Panel Data The Impact of the Economic Liberalization on the Performance of Banks in the Selected Countries [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Panel Data Parliamentary Positions and the Common Pool Problem in the Construction Budget Approval Process; A Case Study of the 9th and 10th Periods of Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Panel Data The Effect of the Real Exchange Rate Changes on the Financial Instability in Selected Developing Countries [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Panel Data Method. The Investigation of Effect of Globalization and Trade Liberalization on Total Factor Productivity Growth in the MENA and EU15 Countries [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Panel Data. The Effect of ICT on Labor Productivity in Iran Industries [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Panel Data. Interaction between Market Elements in the Iranian Materials and Chemical Products Industries [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Panel data [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: Panel data Impact of Transparency of Trade Policies on Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from the Middle East [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Panel data The effect of wage growth caused by stock market liquidity on income inequality and poverty in developed and developed countries [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: Panel data regression The Impact of Inflation on the Financing of Private Sector Activities through Banks: A Case Study of Developing Countries [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: Partial Adjustment Model. Capital Structure Adjustment: Generalized Methods of Moments [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: Political Factors Priorities Factors Influencing the Financing in Iran with the AHP Approach [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Portfolio Investors Examine the Role of Geographic Diversification in a Portfolio of Real Estate in Iran [Volume 2, Number 8]
:: Poverty. The Effect of Skilled Emigration (Brain Drain) on Poverty in Developing Countries [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: Price Elasticity of Tax Revenue. Business Tax Income Breaks in Tehran Province [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Price-to-Earnings Ratio. A Study of the Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Stock Prices and P/E Ratio by Using SEM-PLS [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Principle 44, Privatization, Justice Shares, Divestiture of SOEs A Short Review of the Privatization in Iran [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Private and Public Banks.   Assessing E-Banking Deployment Impact on Operational Cost Reduction in Banking System (The Case of Private & Public Banks of Iran) [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Psychological Mechanisms. The Impact of Psychological Factors and Factors affecting investors' risk perception [Volume 3, Number 10]
:: Public Policy. General Policy of Resilient Economy for Out From Crisis [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Public Policy. General Policy of Resilient Economy for Out From Crisis [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: Qazvin Province Ranking SMEs in Qazvin Province with evaluating competitive advantage by TOPSIS method [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Quantile Regression Determinants of Food Price Index in Iran: A Quantile Regression Approach [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: Real Earnings Management. The Relationship between the Tax Management and Earnings Management Based on Accruals and Real Earnings Management [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Relative Advantage. Identification of the Driving Sectors in Job Creation in the Different Provinces of Iran and its Prospects (Shift-Share Approach) [Volume 4, Number 14]
:: Resilience of the economic system Researching into experiences of different countries in Economic Resilience; Some implications to achieve an operational model of Resilience in Iranian Economy [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: Revaluation of assets Evaluation of Financial Capability of Provincial Telecommunication Companies [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Revealed Society preference approach Estimation of Social Discount Rate in Iran [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Riba-free banking system The Beneficiaries’ Rights Observation in Depositing Operation of Riba-Free Banking System by Corporate Governance View [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: SVAR Investigating the interaction of Iranian economic markets with respect to the qualitative effect of the Corona pandemic with the SVAR approach [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: SVAR model. The role of capital adequacy requirements in money creation in the banking system [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Sanction Sanction, Macroeconomic Major Variables And Misery Index: The Approach of GMM Panel (Case of Study Selected Provinces of the Country) [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Second Phase of Subsidies Targeting Plan, Tax Revenues, VAR Model, Forecast Error Variance, Impulse Response Functions Evaluating the Impacts of the 2nd Phase of Subsidies Targeting Plan on Iran’s Tax Revenues [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Securities and Exchange Organization, Capital Market, Securities Market Act, Principle 44 of the Constitution, Privatization Capital Market Performance During the Ninth and Tenth Governments [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Seemingly Unrelated Regression. The Asymmetric Effect of Oil Price Shock on Stock Market: Evidence from Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Selected Countries Tax Expenditure: A Study of components of the Selected Countries’ Tax Expenditures Reports [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Selected OPEC Members Countries The Impact of the Government Size on Economic Growth in the Selected OPEC Countries: A Threshold Analysis [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Selected countries. Threshold effect of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption on economic welfare in selected countries with different energy intensities [Volume 11, Number 42]
:: Selective coding. Presenting the risk-based supervision model on banks and credit institution by using grounded theory [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: Semi-parametric Investigation the impact of US Unilateral Withdraw from JCPOA on the Market Return of Export-Oriented Companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange by Emphasis on herding Behavior (semi-parametric approach) [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Semnan Province The Effect of Targeted Subsidy Implementation on Electricity Consumption Distribution Inequality in Semnan Province [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: Share of Tax in Government Incomes. Pathology of Iran’s Tax System [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Simultaneous Equations Model. The Interaction between FDI and Economic Development in D8 Members [Volume 2, Number 6]
:: Simultaneous Investment. Evaluation Iran Capital Market Hedging using World Capital Market (Simultaneous Investment in Iran Stock Exchange Market & World Gold Market) [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: Sistan and Baluchistan Examine poverty alleviation policies in Iran based on overwhelming documents [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: Smooth Transition Regression (STR) model.   Effect of Globalization on Life Eexpectancy in Iran [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: Social Accounting Matrix   Identifying the Key Sectors of Iran's Economy in terms of Lowest Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Using the Social Accounting Matrix Approach [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Spatial Panel Data The Impacts of Institutions and Recourses Management Improvement on Economic Growth in MENA Countries (Spatial Models in Panel Data) [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: Spatial Panel Data Approach. The Role of Intermediate and Capital Goods Imports in Non-Oil Exports in OPEC Countries: Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Approach [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Specific Corporative Traits and Macroeconomic Variables   Simultaneous Effects of Company-Specific Characteristics and Macroeconomic Variables on the Capital Structure of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: Static and Dynamic Trade-off Theory The Effect of Uncertainty of Macroeconomic and Company-Specific on Leverage of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange: The Direct and Indirect Effects [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Static games of complete information Modeling, Survey the Nash Equilibrium and Optimal Tax Fine Rate Determine in the Game of Taxpayers and Tax Affairs Organization [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: Stock Exchange market. Evaluating Relative and Integrated Efficiency of the Stock Market: NDEA Approach [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Stock Exchange. The Effect of General Policies of Article 44 of the Constitution on Improving Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Stock Market Informational Efficiency. Application of Dynamic Parametric and Non Parametric Systems in Stock Market Return Forecasting: Case Study of Tehran Stock Market [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: Stock Market. The Impact of Changes in Uncertainty, Unexpected Earning of Each Share, and Positive or Negative Forecast of Profit Per Share in Different Economic Condition [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Stock Return. A Survey of the Effective Variables on Share Selection in Tehran Stock Exchange, on the base of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [Volume 3, Number 11]
:: Stock market. Investigating the effect of investors sentiments on price formation behavior in the Tehran stock market [Volume 12, Number 45]
:: Strategic Deviation The Impact of Tax Uncertainty on Financial and Strategic Policies of Companies [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Strategies Economic Strength and Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Oil Market [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: Structural Time Series Approach The Threshold Financial Development and Energy Consumption in Iran [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Structural VAR Models An Analysis of Shocks Affecting House Prices in Iran and Its Convergence with the Housing Market in Selected Countries [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: Support Policies, Improve Income Distribution. Subsidies Targeting: Clarification of its Approaches, Effects and Implementation Results [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: SutteARIMA Investigating the accuracy of different short-term forecasting methods about stock index and the daily number of coronavirus disease (covid-19) cases in Iran [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: System Dynamics Investigating the Role of Economic Policies on the Utilization of New Energy in Iranian Power Plants (Case Study: Subsidy Policies, Pricing, and Cost Reduction) [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: System of Customs, Economic Development Plan, Development Projects. Customs System and the Necessity of Its [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: TOPSIS Identifying the capacity of the nine land management areas of Iran in the field of knowledge-based economy [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: TOPSIS. Prioritizing of Iran’s Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: TV method Macro Herding, Firm Size, and Market Returns [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: Tangible Assets. Capital Structure and Financial Crisis Relationship [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: TargetedCashSubsidies A Study on the status of Povertyand inequality in urban and rural areas in Iran during the before and after the implementation of Targeted Subsidy Reform Law(1391-1381) [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Tax Revenues, Natural Resource Curse Hypothesis, Fluctuations of Oil Revenues. The Effect of Natural Resource Abundance on the Government's Financial Policies in Iran During (1979-2009) with Emphasizing on the Natural Resource Curse Hypothesis [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Tax System, Tax Functions, Pillar Components of Tax System, TATA Project, Enforcement Guarantees. Dissection of the Tax Reform of the Country: Challenges, Programs and the Tax System Operation [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Tehran Stock Exchange Assessment of Stock Price Predictions Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) [Volume 5, Number 17]
:: TheperformanceofCreditsofCapitalAssets Regidity ofRconomic Catagory of Government Cost on Acquisition of Capital Assets Credit Performance in Ardabil Province [Volume 3, Number 9]
:: Threshold Non-linear Method Calculating Income Tax Evasion of Legal Entities and Examining its Sustainability through Threshold Non-linear Method [Volume 9, Number 36]
:: Time series and Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL). Evaluate the impact of macro variables on lending in the country's banking network [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: Toda and Yamamoto Causality. The Investigation of Relationship between Tax Revenue and Economic Security in Iran (Causality Approach in Time Series Data) [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Toda and Yamamoto Granger Causality. Empirical Test of the Relationship between Government's Power to Collect Taxes, Tax Revenues and Government Expenditures in Iran [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Toda-Yamamoto Approach. Toda-Yamamoto Causality Test between Entrepreneurship and Unemployment Rates in Industry Section: Case Study [Volume 2, Number 7]
:: Treasury Treasury Single Account, New government liquidity management tool: Review Structure and Location in Selected Countries [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: Two-Step SGMM Approach. Investigating the Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth in Selected Developing Countries: Two-Step SGMM Approach [Volume 4, Number 13]
:: Unemployment and Auto-regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). Knowledge-based economy central role in controlling unemployment [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: Wakalat. Presenting a Hierarchical Model of Factors Affecting the Issuance of Sukuk without Maturity with a Focus on Shari'ah and Operational Principles [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: advertising cost. The Relationship Between Investment Efficiency and Stock Price Crash Risk with Emphasis on Information Asymmetry [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: analysis of variance. The relationship between Imported Inflation and Macroeconomic Indicators: Evidence from 34 Developed and Developing Countries [Volume 6, Number 23]
:: and enhanced of risk disclosure in banks Financial Stabil domestic and international regulations and standards for risk disclosure in banks [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: asset quality. The effect of asset quality on the relationship between banks leverage and Systematic risk [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: asymmetry The Impact of Energy Consumption, Financial Development on Economic Growth, Based on Nonlinear and Asymmetric Approach [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: balanced education The role of the school institution in development with a teacher empowerment approach [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: banking Identifying the causes of firm’s liquidity shortage in Iran’s Economy [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: banking sanction The Impact of Sanctions on Force Majeure as a Bank Guarantee [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: big banks. The Effects of Too-Big-to-fail Banks on Depositors' Behavior [Volume 8, Number 31]
:: company performance. The effect of investors' sentiments on return, cash flow, discount rate and performance of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: company value Investigating the effect of equity costs on financial distress and the value of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: competitive exchange rate market The Analysis of Exchange Rate Volatilities During (2010-2012) [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: compliance tax complexity The Effect of on tax professionals ' perception of tax complexity on tax compliance behavior [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: conservatism Relationship between Monetary Policy and Conservatism of the listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: corruption perception index   Government size and corruption perception: some lessons for Iran from worldwide experiences [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: covid-19 Assessing the role of the Gold and US dollar as a safe haven and risk hedge of the Iran stock market during Covid-19 pandemic and earlier [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: debt ratio   Investigating the Capital Structure and its impact on stock returns of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: development banks The Effect of Liquidity and Efficiency on Credit Risk of Development Banks [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: development programs The Pathological Analysis of Regional Balanced Development in National Development Plans [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: domestic gas demand Economic Factors affecting demand for gas in Iran [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: dynamic optimal control theory. [Volume 3, Number 12]
:: economic growth The moderating role of oil revenues on the relationship between tax revenues and economic growth [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: economic sanctions The effect of sanctions against Iran on the Gini coefficient and the average income of different income quintiles in Iran [Volume 10, Number 40]
:: economic shock. Household utility and its long-run impressionability from economic shocks [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: exchange rate regime The impact of exchange rate on economic growth under different exchange rate regimes (in selected countries developed and developing) [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: executive components A Review of the VAT System in Iran and Selected Countries [Volume 2, Number 5]
:: export performance Investigating the effect of intangible resources and knowledge acquisition capabilities on export performance via the mediation role of innovation [Volume 9, Number 35]
:: family’s per capita income The effects of microcredit on the Gini coefficient in the northern provinces of the country [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: financial distress The Impact of Acquisitions on Firms' Financial Health: An Analysis of Managerial Ability [Volume 12, Number 47]
:: future stock return Response of Stock Returns to Earnings Management in the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: fuzzy logic and fuzzy. Choosing the best method for targeting of subsidies using fuzzy multi-criteria decision [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: fuzzy regression Investigating the Impact of Economic Sanctions on Inflation in Iran (Fuzzy Approach) [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: government policy. Government Policy and Exploitation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: government policy. Government Policy and Exploitation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities [Volume 4, Number 16]
:: granger causality Investigating the Short-run and Long-run Causal Relationship between the Stock Price Index in Insurance Industry, Banking Sector and Investment Sector [Volume 7, Number 25]
:: housing prices The study of effects of investment in urban development plans on real estate prices in Tehran [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: human development index Investigation of the performance of budget distribution between different provinces of Iran according to their capacity and needs during the first and last years of the tenth and eleventh government [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: impulse response function. Spillover Effect of Producer and Consumer Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the Iranian Economy [Volume 6, Number 22]
:: indirect effects. Consequences of sanctions on the insurance industry [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: industrial clusters. Comparative Analysis of the Theoretical and Empirical of Industrial Revolution in the World in Order to Determine the Characteristics of Desirable Industrial Development [Volume 7, Number 28]
:: inflation Financial System Performance and Inflation in Iran: Some Stylized Facts [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: inflation. Identification of the Negative Operational Balance Drivers of Government Budget [Volume 11, Number 43]
:: informed environment Designing a model of requirements for fulfilling the oversight role of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on the annual budget of the country [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: institutional ownership The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Influential Institutional Ownership the Firm Valuel [Volume 7, Number 27]
:: institutional ownership. The Impact of Board Size, Institutional Ownership and Insolvency Risk on Financial Distress: Before and During Covid-19 [Volume 12, Number 46]
:: investment horizon Long-Term Institutional Investors and social [Volume 8, Number 29]
:: land Optimal Strategy of State Lands allocation in Islamic Economics: Game Theory Approach [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: maximizing the profit firm. The Effect of Contract Theory on the Maximum Profit of Iran Tier Company: a Reassessment [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: money creation Understanding the Nature of the Crypto Currencies and Determining Some of Its Regulatory Requirements in Iran: Islamic Economics Approach [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: natural resource exporting countries.   Natural Resources and Economic Growth: An Examination of the Big Push Theory in Developing Countries [Volume 6, Number 21]
:: natural resource. Comparing the effect of religiosity on public goods production and natural resource conservation: a experimental study [Volume 10, Number 39]
:: panel data The Role of Money Market Development in the Environmental Pollution: Comparison between High and Lower Middle Income Countries Among OECD Member [Volume 5, Number 19]
:: panel data. The Impact of Public Education Expenditures on Primary Education Performance: An ARDL Panel Approach [Volume 11, Number 41]
:: population density   A Survey of Market Access Level: An Application of Economic Gravity Index [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: post-sanctions Concept of the Resistive Economy and its Roles in Post-Sanctions Circumstances [Volume 6, Number 24]
:: productive capabilities calculation and analysis of Economic Complexity index in Iran’s Provinces [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: protecting investors The Relationship between Corporate social Responsibility and Equity Costs, Considering the Protection of Investors [Volume 7, Number 26]
:: quality of corporate governance. Investigating the Consequences of Political Economy on Choosing Corporate Governance Policies: A Case Study quasi-governmental companies [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: quality of electronic services. Investigating the effect of trust on the relationship between the quality of electronic services and the satisfaction of taxpayers [Volume 8, Number 30]
:: ranking. Effects of Efficiency and Financial Risk (Credit Risk, Operational Risk, Liquidity Risk and Financial Wealth) on the Performance of Insurance Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange: A Case Study in Iran [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: rate of liquidity growth Nonlinear effects of interest rates on the total stock market index in the Iranian economy Markov switching Approach [Volume 10, Number 37]
:: scientific research journals of the Ministry of Science. Content analysis of articles in the field of taxation   [Volume 9, Number 33]
:: smooth transition regression. Assessing the Threshold Level of Ownership Structure and its Relationship with Tax Avoidance in Security Market: A Nonlinear Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 10, Number 38]
:: sustainable development Designing and Analyzing the New Model of Project Finance by Bank Resource Allocation towards Achieving Sustainable Economic Development [Volume 9, Number 34]
:: the Hwang and Solomon Model. The Impact of Investors’ herding Behavior on the Stock Returns Using Huang and Solomon Model [Volume 4, Number 15]
:: the same movement Analyzing the co-motion of bitcoin, gold and dollar with a wavy approach [Volume 8, Number 32]
:: this paper estimates the social discount rate for Iran based on the social time preference rate approach. Alth 01 Estimation of Social Discount Rate in Iran with Using Social Time Preference Approach [Volume 5, Number 18]
:: threshold regression Non-linear relationship between poverty and the size of the government in the Iranian economy: using a threshold regression method [Volume 5, Number 20]
:: transportation Ranking 31 provinces of Iran based on infrastructure growth using Shannon entropy and TOPSIS methods [Volume 11, Number 42]
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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