In the last two decades, developing countries have moved towards achieving basic education. However, educational opportunities remain unequal in part due to the uneven allocation of educational resources. Furthermore, inefficient use of public budget for education jeopardizes the effectiveness of programs to expand access and improve learning outcomes. Therefore, this article uses the autoregression approach with a distribution interval to investigate the effect of educational expenditures on the performance of primary education in the provinces of Iran. The results of the long-term estimation for the years 2015-2018 show that all variables have a significant effect on the level of primary completion and with the expected signs in the provinces of Iran. The estimated coefficients of the short-term error correction model for all explanatory variables are negative, significant and have an adjustment speed of (-0.23), which indicates the correction speed of any imbalance in the short term. According to the results of the research, the government in Iran should strongly promote the policy of improving the quality of education in primary schools, as well as promoting justice and fairness in distribution of education budget and other educational funds. Improving and increasing the level of government expenditures on education is a key program in increasing the primary completion rate, reducing the dropout rate and increasing the quality of education. Also, government poverty alleviation and income policies can significantly encourage parents to enroll their children in schools.
Fatholahi E, Alizadeh M. The Impact of Public Education Expenditures on Primary Education Performance: An ARDL Panel Approach. qjfep 2023; 11 (41) :123-163 URL: