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:: Guidelines for reviewing and accepting articles ::
Process of review and acceptance of papers in the Quarterly Journal of Economic Research and Policy
 This publication adopts double-blinded peer review policy, and in all stages of reviewing the paper, neither the authors nor the reviewers will be informed of each other’s identity.
In this publication, the average period of initial review of papers is usually less than 10 days, and the average period of completion of papers’ review process is between four to six months.

The process of reviewing, accepting and publishing papers in the journal are as follows:
1. Registering the author on the journal website and submitting the paper;
2. The initial review of the paper by an expert in the publication from a technical and structural point of view and its compliance with the instructions on how to write the paper (the paper may be returned to the author for some structural corrections and rewriting according to the format of the publication);
3. Reviewing the paper to determining the quality level of the paper and its compatibility with the research fields of the publication by a specialized editor who is chosen by the chief-editor or a member of the editorial board. If the chief-editor's opinion is positive about the mentioned cases, the paper will be sent to the next level (sent to reviewer);
4. Assigning at least two reviewers by the chief-editor and members of the editorial board and sending the paper to the reviewers simultaneously; The reviewers are requested to announce their initial opinion about the paper within a maximum period of one month.
 The editorial board will check the reviewing process after receiving the reviewers results as follows:
   a. In case of rejection of the paper by at least two reviewers, the paper will be submitted for final decision in  the editorial board meeting;
   b. In case of a request for major or minor revision of the paper by at least two reviewers, the paper will be returned to the authors to provide corrections along with the appropriate response to the reviewers;
5. Authors must correct the mentioned revisions and upload the final file in the site within a maximum period of one month.
6. As soon as the revised paper and the answers to the reviewers' comments are received, the corrected paper is reviewed by the chief-editor and sent to one of the reviewers (final reviewer) for final control and check.
7. Based on reviewers’ opinions, the final decision is made by the editorial board.
If some corrections are not approved by the final reviewer, the paper will be returned to the author. It is worth noting that this action is only repeated once. After the author's corrections, the paper is sent to the final reviewer again. If the amendments made at this stage are not still approved by the final reviewer, the paper will be presented in the editorial board meeting and the paper will be rejected.
8. Issuing of the paper. All the papers accepted in the editorial meeting are sent to corresponding author before publication, for control and change if needed, and at the end, the author's approval for publication is obtained.
If the paper is rejected, the corresponding author will be officially informed by the journal office.
And, Finally, the accepted papers are published in the journal based on the date of receipt.

Other hints

Failure to comply with the above procedure will cause delay in acceptance and will be a time-consuming process.
The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the content.
The responsibility of each paper is in the hand of corresponding author (scientific quality of the paper, order of the authors names and follow-up actions).

  • The number and order of the authors of the paper is accepted as specified in the letter of commitment submitted to the quarterly office, and the request to remove or change the order of the authors' names can only be considered before the final review and with the written request of all the authors and the declaration of the reason.
  • After the publication and complete registration of the article in the system, it is absolutely not possible under any circumstances to delete, add, or change the order of names, details, email addresses, and authorship responsibilities
The papers which have reviewed by the editorial board with the cooperation of experts and approved, will be published respectively according to the rules of the journal.
The editorial board and reviewers of the quarterly journal have full authority in rejecting or accepting, correction of papers and reviewing any request of the author(s).
The editorial board is allowed to reject and edit papers.
Obviously, any change after that will not be acceptable, so be careful.
The documents related to reviewing of all papers are considered confidential, and the editorial board is not obligated to provide the documents related to the papers that have not been accepted.
All correspondence is done with the sender of the paper and if necessary, with the corresponding author, and other authors will be briefly informed. And the journal office is exempted from responding to other co-authors of the paper.
The paper’s certificate of acceptance will be issued by the supervisor of the quarterly journal after the completion of the reviewing and editing procedures and the final approval of the editorial board, and will be notified to the corresponding author.

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فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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