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:: Volume 6, Issue 23 (quarterly journal of fiscal and economic policies 2018) ::
qjfep 2018, 6(23): 139-178 Back to browse issues page
The relationship between Imported Inflation and Macroeconomic Indicators: Evidence from 34 Developed and Developing Countries
Mehdi Hajamini *
Abstract:   (4590 Views)
International interdependence between countries financial and real sectors has considerably increased since the middle of the twentieth century. Although increased economic integration has helped to improve the global economic performance, it has increased the degree of vulnerability to external shocks. Therefore, one of the most important challenges facing government is policy recommendations on how to reduce economic vulnerability to external shocks. This paper estimates the inflationary vulnerability for 34 developed and developing countries during the period 1988-2013, and then uses the methods of analysis of variance and correlation coefficient to identify factors related to the inflation vulnerability. The results indicate that the inflationary vulnerability to imported inflation is related to the manufacturing share of value-added, the degree of openness, and the foods import and export. The markets regulations, especially the credit market, and financial development have a significant relationship with inflationary vulnerability to foods and oil shocks. In addition, the use of sustainable energies has a significant relationship with the inflationary vulnerability to oil shocks.
Keywords: inflationary vulnerability, imported inflation, analysis of variance.
Full-Text [PDF 1362 kb]   (2246 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Hajamini M. The relationship between Imported Inflation and Macroeconomic Indicators: Evidence from 34 Developed and Developing Countries. qjfep 2018; 6 (23) :139-178
URL: http://qjfep.ir/article-1-773-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 23 (quarterly journal of fiscal and economic policies 2018) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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