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:: Volume 11, Issue 44 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economics Policies 2024) ::
qjfep 2024, 11(44): 53-83 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Existence of a Rational Bubble in the Iranian Currency Market with an Emphasis on the Fundamental Variables of the Exchange Rate
Ahmad Ezzati shourgoli * , Aram Mohammadi , Sara Masumzadeh , Mehdi Mohammadi
Afagh Higher Education Institute
Abstract:   (852 Views)
Every economic and financial variable has a series of fundamental variables that have a significant impact on its price. In fact, researchers consider price deviations in financial assets as pricing bubbles. In this regard, the present research has investigated the price bubble in the exchange rate in Iran's economy by considering two important fundamental variables of the exchange rate, i.e. Inflation and liquidity growth. Therefore, the generalized Dickey-Fuller test based on the Markov rotation model and seasonal data of the Iranian economy has been used during the period of 1990-2021. For this purpose, first, the generalized Dickey-Fuller test was specified in the form of a Markov switching model for the exchange rate, and then, based on the Monte Carlo method, estimated coefficients and t-statistics were used to investigate the stationary or price bubble in the exchange rate. The results showed that there is a possibility of a price bubble in the regime of fluctuating exchange rates. Therefore, in order to ensure this issue, the fundamental variables of the exchange rate were specified in the form of a Markov switching model in order to determine whether the fluctuations and jumps observed in the exchange rate are due to a price bubble in the exchange rate or due to a natural reaction to changes in inflation and Liquidity growth.
Keywords: Price bubble, exchange rate, Monte Carlo, Markov
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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ezzati shourgoli A, mohammadi A, masumzadeh S, mohammadi M. Investigating the Existence of a Rational Bubble in the Iranian Currency Market with an Emphasis on the Fundamental Variables of the Exchange Rate. qjfep 2024; 11 (44) :53-83
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