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:: Volume 11, Issue 41 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies 2023) ::
qjfep 2023, 11(41): 197-242 Back to browse issues page
Presenting the risk-based supervision model on banks and credit institution by using grounded theory
Seyad Mostafa Mousavi Ivanaki , Mirfeiz Fallah Shams * , Farhad Hanifi
Financial Management Department of financial management-central Tehran branch-Islamic Azad university-Tehran-Iran
Abstract:   (1508 Views)
The aim of this research is to present a risk- based supervision model by the bank and credit institution supervisor. The statistical population includes all experts in the banking industry and our sampling method is a theoretical and targeted one(snow ball).For this purpose ten experts- experts and senior managers of the banking sector (central bank and banking network) and university professors- are selected and interviewed. Propositions and conceptual relationships of the phenomena that makeup the model are introduced, based on the grounded theory, after collection of organized data and inductive analysis of concepts derived from interviews, through open cooling, axial coding and selective coding of categories. In addition, after reviewing the theoretical foundations and experiences of other countries, some effective components are included in the model. The results of the research represent 35 dimensions. Findings show that the lack of a clear definition of the supervision concept and its goals has caused stakeholders and actors to face different expectations of the concept of performance and the outcome of regulatory system. This issue leads to an inconsistency between the supervised organization, supervisory institution and decision-making authorities Also, the inadequacy of the monitoring in current situation, due to the retrospective nature of the existing monitoring framework, has placed satisfaction with the output of the current monitoring framework at a low level. Relying solely on the approach of comparative supervision and not paying attention to future risks and future forecasting, as well as the lack of a proper process and structure in applying supervision show the necessity of the risk-based supervision.
Keywords: Supervisory institution, Risk Based supervision, Open coding, Axial coding, Selective coding.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Mousavi Ivanaki S M, Fallah Shams M, Hanifi F. Presenting the risk-based supervision model on banks and credit institution by using grounded theory. qjfep 2023; 11 (41) :197-242
URL: http://qjfep.ir/article-1-1397-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 41 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies 2023) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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