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:: Volume 3, Issue 11 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies 2016) ::
qjfep 2016, 3(11): 133-154 Back to browse issues page
Identifying and Prioritizing Financing Methods in Holding Companies Holding companies are common organizational structures in many countries. These companies are main players in new economics. The financing plans along with controlling financial risk are managers’ concerns in multi business companies. Internal capital markets and external financing through bank dept are two main methods for financing operations in holding companies. In this research, after introducing Internal Capital Markets as a new approach in financing system of holding companies, by review literature and interview with experts, wedetermine the relations between criteria with dematel, and then use analytical network process to prioritize criteria and financing methods. The results show that holding companies' managers prefer using internal capital markets, because of its results in decreasing financial risk and cost of capital.Holding companies are common organizational structures in many countries. These compan
Abstract:   (7134 Views)

Holding companies are common organizational structures in many countries. These companies are main players in new economics. The financing plans along with controlling financial risk are managers’ concerns in multi business companies. Internal capital markets and external financing through bank dept are two main methods for financing operations in holding companies. In this research, after introducing Internal Capital Markets as a new approach in financing system of holding companies, by review literature and interview with experts,  wedetermine the relations between criteria with dematel, and then use analytical network process to prioritize  criteria and financing methods. The results show that holding companies' managers prefer using internal capital markets, because of its results in decreasing financial risk and cost of capital.

Keywords: : Holding, Financing, Internal Capital Markets, Dematel, Analytical Network Process.
Full-Text [PDF 402 kb]   (5722 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Identifying and Prioritizing Financing Methods in Holding Companies Holding companies are common organizational structures in many countries. These companies are main players in new economics. The financing plans along with controlling financial risk are managers’ concerns in multi business companies. Internal capital markets and external financing through bank dept are two main methods for financing operations in holding companies. In this research, after introducing Internal Capital Markets as a new approach in financing system of holding companies, by review literature and interview with experts, wedetermine the relations between criteria with dematel, and then use analytical network process to prioritize criteria and financing methods. The results show that holding companies' managers prefer using internal capital markets, because of its results in decreasing financial risk and cost of capital.Holding companies are common organizational structures in many countries. These compan. qjfep 2016; 3 (11) :133-154
URL: http://qjfep.ir/article-1-264-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 11 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies 2016) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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