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:: Volume 8, Issue 32 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economics Policies 2021) ::
qjfep 2021, 8(32): 133-160 Back to browse issues page
The moderating role of oil revenues on the relationship between tax revenues and economic growth
Fatemeh Samadi *
islamic azad university
Abstract:   (2158 Views)
In terms of economic theory tax is important main the Government income. . Taxes are one of the instruments of government financial institutions that are considered to be the most important pillars of any financial system. In oil-exporting countries, oil sales are the governmentchr('39')s main source of revenue.
Due to various reasons, such as oil price fluctuations and the loss of a valuable national reserve, this method is not tolerable and the issue that the tax system of these countries should be corrected to be a suitable alternative to cover government expenditures seems inevitable. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of various types of tax revenues on economic growth in the presence and absence of oil revenues. The present study is based on applied research method. To estimate the model, data from the period of 1395-1384 have been used. The present research model is the partial least squares method. Model estimation has been done in Smart PLS software space. The research results indicate the fact that with the inclusion of oil revenues in the model, the impact of tax revenues on economic growth has decreased and the role of taxes in creating economic growth and development has decreased. The moderating effect of oil revenues is -0.07 percent, which reduces economic growth by reducing tax revenues.
Keywords: resource curse, Dutch disease, resource income, tax revenue, economic growth
Full-Text [PDF 1436 kb]   (668 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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samadi F. The moderating role of oil revenues on the relationship between tax revenues and economic growth. qjfep 2021; 8 (32) :133-160
URL: http://qjfep.ir/article-1-1152-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 32 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economics Policies 2021) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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