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:: Volume 1, Issue 2 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies 2013) ::
qjfep 2013, 1(2): 43-84 Back to browse issues page
Foreign Financing and Investment: Principals and Requirements, Measures and Achievements
Behrooz Alishiri * , Sharagim Shams Araqi
Abstract:   (18532 Views)
Utilization of foreign financing and its various windows and methods are considered as one of the prerequisites and tools enabling countries to realize their economic growth and development and reach their macroeconomic and developmental targets. Amongst those windows, foreign direct investment is one the most efficient and effective methods especially from the host country perspective. Various positive and constructive impacts on macro and micro economic indices and the positive impacts on the recipient companies such as access to new export markets, upgrading the level of competitiveness, transfer of managerial and technological knowledge, increasing the economic security and job creation, is a witness to this efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore it is more than thirty years that most countries have paid special attention to foreign investment and implementing policies and programs to promote and attract foreign capitals and is making continuous effort to make their favorite country more competitive for hosting foreign investors. Iran has also provided the required regulatory environment as a prerequisite for engagement and activity of foreign investors in the national economy, by adopting and approval of the Law for Attraction and Promotion of Foreign Investment in 1334 (H.S.) and consequently its replacement in 1381 (H.S.) by Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act. But due to the different kinds of foreign investment methods and their requirements, though competition between the countries for attracting foreign investment, the necessity to prepare technical arrangements by the host country in general and by its administrative organs and private entities in specific, it is necessary to take a vast variety of measures nationally and internationally in order to make the most of the available legal environment. A review of the literature of the topic, the schemes and types of Foreign Investments and the technical and functional differences of those schemes according to international standards and definitions and the trends and statistical information related to the foreign investments flows in the world, reveals the significance of taking advantage of foreign financing in general and foreign investments in particular. Furthermore, a glance at the trends of foreign capital importation and attraction in Iran and its constant growth during recent years shows that particular attention has been directed to this topic in the country's macro policies and plans and the OIETAI as the sole official authority for promotion and protection of foreign investments has put extensive measures on its agenda for action to not only create a leap in volume of foreign investments in Iran, but also to preserve and stabilize its growth trend. Though the policies, plans and measures taken by the OIETAI have created considerable impact in this regard, taking into account the ever-changing, fiercely competitive environment in the world for attracting foreign investors and investment flows, it's necessary to adopt a reform-oriented guideline concerning a number of the country's common arrangements and systems such as budgeting system, designing and offering competitive incentives for investment as well as promotion of investment climate and the business environment in order to provide the OIETAI with modern and efficient tools and capacities and drive the country to a significant increase in attraction of foreign investments and to utilize the country’s untapped economic capacities.
Keywords: Foreign Financing, Direct Foreign Investment, OIETAI
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Alishiri B, Shams Araqi S. Foreign Financing and Investment: Principals and Requirements, Measures and Achievements. qjfep 2013; 1 (2) :43-84
URL: http://qjfep.ir/article-1-30-en.html

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Volume 1, Issue 2 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies 2013) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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