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:: Volume 8, Issue 31 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economics Policies 2020) ::
qjfep 2020, 8(31): 7-41 Back to browse issues page
Identifying the capacity of the nine land management areas of Iran in the field of knowledge-based economy
Mohammad Ghaffary fard * , Morteza Kazemi
ahlul bayt un
Abstract:   (3835 Views)
The world is rapidly moving away from the base resource economy and moving towards the development of a knowledge-based economy. Considering that the main axis of knowledge-based economy is the optimal use of human capital and skill-building of this capital. This phenomenon occurs at a time when developing countries are facing various problems in this area. This issue is related to other important key issues such as the role of economic and incentive incentives, information and communication technology infrastructure. On the other hand, research shows that the countries that have succeeded in this field have put the use of regional capacities on the agenda and have put decongestion policies on their agenda due to regional capacity building. Therefore, the focus of the present article is on ranking the nine land management areas of Iran and identifying the indicators in this area using the combined method of hierarchical analysis - TAPSIS. The results show that Zone 6 of Iran, which consists of the provinces of Tehran, Qom and Alborz, in terms of knowledge-based economy in the first place and Zone 8, which consists of the provinces of Yazd, Kerman, Sistan and Baluchestan and Hormozgan, in They are ranked last and ninth. Therefore, regional development policy makers to improve knowledge-based indicators in less developed areas should take basic steps to promote postgraduate courses, establish and develop science centers and knowledge-based companies in these areas.
Keywords: Knowledge Based Economy, Land Management, Hierarchical Analysis, TOPSIS
Full-Text [PDF 1199 kb]   (1092 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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ghaffary fard M, kazemi M. Identifying the capacity of the nine land management areas of Iran in the field of knowledge-based economy. qjfep 2020; 8 (31) :7-41
URL: http://qjfep.ir/article-1-1132-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 31 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economics Policies 2020) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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