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:: Volume 7, Issue 27 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economics Policies 2019) ::
qjfep 2019, 7(27): 87-103 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Transparency in Reducing Corruption, Global Experiences Lessons for Iran
Davood Manzoor , Mostafa Abbasi kalash *
Imam Sadiq University
Abstract:   (5463 Views)
Abstract: According to the International Organization for Transparency International, in 2017, Iran's ranking on the "Corruption Perceptions (CPI) Index" among the 180 countries surveyed was 130, and the country's score was 30 out of 100. Also, our country's score in 2016 was 29 in the index and 131 in the ranking, which is calculated from 176 countries. According to information from recent years, the general state of our country is not suitable and there is no particular positive change, and the perception of corruption due to this index (CPI) remains in its unfavorable situation with minor changes.
Today, solutions are being used to fight corruption in different countries, one of the most important of which is managing conflicts of interest. The purpose of managing conflicts of interest is to eliminate all the administrative, regulatory, judicial, and divisive measures necessary to prevent conflicts of interest and to eliminate or minimize the effects of conflicts of interest on the unavoidable benefits. The three general strategies for managing conflicts of interest are: Limit / Prohibition strategies, Game Change Strategy, and Transparency and Public Oversight.
Meanwhile, "transparency", which is the standardization of government information to people in a standardized format to provide public monitoring and accountability, is an optimal strategy that has successful experiences in different parts of the world.
Transparency of government budget, transparency of property and property of officials, transparency of contracts are among the areas in which successful international experience exists in these areas, and various countries have thus reduced their corruption.
Given the serious need of the country today to fight corruption and reduce it, and with the use of successful global experiences in this area, suggestions can be made to Iran.
Keywords: Transparency, Reducing Corruption, Conflict of Interest, Global Experiences, Iran
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Manzoor D, abbasi kalash M. The Role of Transparency in Reducing Corruption, Global Experiences Lessons for Iran. qjfep 2019; 7 (27) :87-103
URL: http://qjfep.ir/article-1-896-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 27 (Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economics Policies 2019) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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