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Showing 1 results for The Business Environment

علیرضا امینی, ,
Volume 4, Issue 15 (3-2017)

The business environment refers to a set of policies, legal, institutional and regulatory terms that affects the economic activities of enterprises, while the enterprise managers are not able to influence much on these factors. The judiciary operation has a role in economic efficiency and the protection of property rights, guarantee the performance of contracts, protection of micro shareholders, liquidation, and bankruptcy of a firm. The weakness of this system increases uncertainty in the private sector and economic activity and discourages them from investing and participating in the economy stems. This study by using the World Bank reports on Doing Business project (Doing Business) explains the importance of the judiciary in the business environment and studies the judicial proceedings and reforms in some countries in order to increase the quality and efficiency of the judicial system with the aim of improving contract enforcement. The results show that operations such as creation of special business courts, and providing electronic hearing can resolve commercial disputes more easily, fast, and cheaply and increase the efficiency of the courts. These operations have a direct impact on improving the quality and efficiency of contract enforcement

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فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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