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Showing 18 results for System

Mohsen Kalantari Bengar, Ali Reza Nazari, Iman Fadaei,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2013)

Due to its triple functions, tax system plays a key role in social and economic system of a country. Based on this and Due to the impact of taxation on other economic sectors and its challenges as well as its broad interaction with society, the tax system was chosen as one of the axes of economic transformation plan. Reform of the tax rules, implementation of Comprehensive tax plan and Full implementation of the VAT system. Transformation of the tax system has three main axes including reforming the tax laws and regulations, implementing the comprehensive tax plan and establishing the value added system comprehensively. In this respect, the Value Added Tax Act which was passed in June 2008 has been implemented since October of the same year. So far five steps out of the seven steps of its establishment process have bean completed is expanding to the final chain. The comprehensive tax plan which has been designed in three stages and 32 projects is completing. So far the entire first phase projects, except for the unified tax system software has been implemented. The last and in fact the most important action that should be done in tax system reform plan is creating a proper legal, managerial and Executive structure in the tax law so it is considered in the tax system reform bill. The most important approaches of this bill are making preparations for updating the tax system through the creation of the necessary legal infrastructure, increasing tax compliance, orientating toward total income tax, Establishing appropriate performance guarantees, simplifying the tax system, promoting the tax position as a means to confront with speculation and brokering, developing tax information system and modifying tax exemptions in order to increasing clarity and effectiveness and to targeting them.
Ali Askari,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2013)

Tax system development is regarded as a fundamental area of the Iranian economic development. In this respect, substitution of tax revenues for unsustainable ever-changing oil revenues has always been a major area of the country’s economic and social development plans. This is what one may feel more significantly than ever bearing in mind the 5th Development Plan’s obligation for independence of the state’s current expenditures from oil and gas export revenues, achieving a T/GDP ratio of %10 and an annual %10 growth of public revenues to cost credits (excluding oil and gas export revenues) taking into account circumstances resulting from economic sanctions against Iran. In spite of efforts made for the development of the country’s tax system during recent years, there still remain so many challenges. Having in mind three pillar components of a tax system namely, “national production”, “tax laws and regulations”, and the “organization in charge of taxation”, one may mention the following as major barriers and challenges ahead of the Iranian National Tax Administration (INTA): The asymmetrical combination of the Iranian national production, a large volume of the services sector, the way incomes are distributed throughout the country, existence of a large underground economy, existence of public institutions with high turnovers, complexity of tax laws and regulations, weakness of tax laws enforcement guarantees, narrowness of tax bases, broadness of tax exemptions, low efficiency of certain tax incentives, shortage of skilled human resources and insufficient fund resources, lack of an integrated approach to taxpayers, and infidelity of guild :::union:::s to their legal and professional obligations. There is no doubt that it will be impossible to develop the country’s tax system without simultaneous reinforcement of the mentioned-above pillar components. The present paper aims at studying the most important measures already taken for the development of the Iranian tax system along with measures to be taken in future following a review of the functions of taxes in the country and the challenges ahead of the country’s tax system having in mind the three pillar components mentioned above. The introduction and development of the VAT system, revision of tax laws and regulations, implementation of TARA (Tax Automation and Revenue Administration) Project, and HRD reforms are among major areas followed for changing and developing the country’s tax system. But as for measures to be taken in future for the development of the country’s tax system, one may refer to the reform of the country’s overall macroeconomic structure in terms of the way economic activities are done, development of corporate activities, qualitative development (modernization) of the services sector, broadening tax bases, elimination of redundant tax exemptions, resolving INTA’s budget restrictions, provision of human resources, as well as taking all legal, administrative and judicial measures required for combating underground economy.
Abbas Memar Nejad, Behzad Shiri, Hossein Kakhki ,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2013)

This paper discusses the evolution of the role of Customs in recent decades and states the necessity and importance of trade and economic in the state of the country endeavoring to introduce the Customs and Customs duties are important and diverse. It also considers the growth in commercial operation procedures for import, export, transit and Customs revenue during the fourth and fifth plan of the country development to find a way to examine the challenges facing Customs and Customs as being reasons for the economic development plan will focus as part of outreach. This article analyzes Customs procedures done within ten projects in the development of Customs duty proposals to meet the challenges of new deals.
Mohammad Parizi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2013)

Proper implementation of important and basic governmental plans primarily depends on existence of robust and efficient monetary and financial institutions. Creating Money, financial brokering, financing and granting banking facilities are main functions of banking system. In recent years banking system has played important role in the country’s development and construction so this paper indicates the most important policies and approaches of banking system in recent 8 years. Redefining the principal 44 of the Constitution and notification of its general policies are main pillars of the country’s economic policy making. Since the implementation of these policies within the framework of predicted regulations and structure, a novel order has been set up in the economic system of the country. Reappraisal of economic domain of governmental, private and cooperative economic activities, putting an end to government’s economic tenure, laying the foundation for non-governmental sectors to participate in all economic fields, extensive granting of big state-own firms and finally improving the business environment are most crucial approaches of these policies. This article tries to clarify important actions resulted from above mentioned policies with noted approaches.
Ali Reza Nazari, Iman Fadaei,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (1-2014)

A pathological examination of Iran’s tax system in a framework guided by its three pillars indicates systematic flaws in all these pillars and furthermore argues the inefficiency of the tax system. Inefficiencies in rules and regulations include complexity and incomprehensiveness, lavish and inefficient tax exemptions, inefficient necessary enforcements in execution of law, and limited tax base. Tax collector organizations flaws include weaknesses in the information infrastructures, and consequently, its limited utilization, the absence of comprehensive data base of tax payers, lack of informational and statistical relations among executive bodies, organization-wide performance-based model of modularity and inefficient taxation processes. According to our investigations in the taxpayers’ side, there are flows such as inappropriate conditions of taxpayer compliance especially by the general public which is mainly rooted in flaws in other two pillars and social culture of them. Overall flaws of the three pillars of tax system had brought about challenges and issues for the system and had turned into the tax system specifications. Some of these challenges are lower tax to GDP ratio, lower share of tax in government income, lower share of tax in government current expenditure, higher costs of tax collection, inappropriate compliance with tax rules by the public, undiversified nature of tax bases and inappropriate tax revenue composition, traditional and outdated tax levy practices, lavish and inefficient tax exemptions, lags in tax collection and flawed tax information system.
Volume 2, Issue 5 (4-2014)

In this paper, in order to achieve the roadmap for reforming the VAT law and its administrative procedures in Iran, executive components evaluation of the VAT system in 22 countries and its comparison with Iran have been studied. The results suggest that the VAT in Iran is a consumption one and based on the destination principle as in the selected countries. Registration criteria in most of the countries are annual turnover or annual taxable turnover, while in Iran, addition to these criteria, the nature of economic activities also is used. Moreover, VAT standard rate in almost all countries, except Austria, India, is a unit as in the Iran. In the countries without discounted rates in their tax structure, usually there is a wider range of exempted goods and services without credit, and this observed in Iran, Armenia and etc.
, ,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (4-2014)

Promoting non-oil exports is one of major and principal goals of economic development of Iran. Textile industry with its high financial turnover and its labor intensive technology is an ancient industry in the world that has been suitable to rely on for advancement of exportation. So, knowing about the textile demand and its elasticity in order to gain foreign exchange and economic growth seems to be a matter of great importance. So this paper uses seemingly unrelated regressions econometric method to estimate the almost ideal demand system model to determine the demand for the textile products export (in three groups of leather, wool and cotton and their products). This paper aims to obtain demand and elasticity of textile products for the period of 1992 to 2010 then it will test the hypothesis of structural stability of model's coefficients for a predicted period (2011-2015) via simulation of model variables on basis of different decreasing price scenarios. Results show that decrease of prices lead to lack of structural stability in model coefficients and would change the long run expenditure shares of world's demand in textile products exportation.
Hassan Rashidi,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (4-2014)

Planning in firms as a kind of resources planning in an enterprise at the macro level is of particular importance. Software packages used to manage resources are integrated sets of pre-designed and pre-built software that cover all business processes of the organization. Achieving maximum efficiency in the implementation of these software’s and their synchronization with organizational needs are very complex problems. From a general view compatibility of software’s input and output and its process control requires modeling and designing of a corporate planning system as a software package in the firm. In this paper, a system which can be useful for different economic planning agency is prepared and supported. This system has been used in of one of the companies of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran. Using this system we could evaluate company’s past and present problems. The output of this system in the form of economic and financial ratios could be used to evaluate the policy of the firm and its balance sheet within the firm’s planning framework. This framework can then be used in the preparation of budgets and financial plan in the firm.
, , ,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (10-2014)

Today the role of tax system is based on three primary political, social and economic goals. its biggest task is to defend economic security of economic agents as well as being known as an income method Economic insecurity has led to the increase in size of the underground economy, so itreduces amounts of investments in the economy .This phenomenon has a negative effect on the tax base and reduces tax revenues. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between tax revenue and economic security in Iran during the period of 1977-2011. For this purpose, we used the Hsiao's- Granger and Toda & Yamamoto (TY) causality tests. The results show that there is a unilateral causality from the economic to security tax revenue. The economic Health and security of the country is subject to the healthy tax structure. Through establishing Strong tax system, creating appropriate cultural and encouraging people to pay taxes, economic structure of the country will be stronger. So according to the ratio of tax revenues to GDP is low and there is bilateral causal relationship between this variable and economic security, the tax system requires a fundamental review to provide financial security and investment. Consequently, tax revenues increase.
علیرضا امینی, ,
Volume 4, Issue 15 (3-2017)

The business environment refers to a set of policies, legal, institutional and regulatory terms that affects the economic activities of enterprises, while the enterprise managers are not able to influence much on these factors. The judiciary operation has a role in economic efficiency and the protection of property rights, guarantee the performance of contracts, protection of micro shareholders, liquidation, and bankruptcy of a firm. The weakness of this system increases uncertainty in the private sector and economic activity and discourages them from investing and participating in the economy stems. This study by using the World Bank reports on Doing Business project (Doing Business) explains the importance of the judiciary in the business environment and studies the judicial proceedings and reforms in some countries in order to increase the quality and efficiency of the judicial system with the aim of improving contract enforcement. The results show that operations such as creation of special business courts, and providing electronic hearing can resolve commercial disputes more easily, fast, and cheaply and increase the efficiency of the courts. These operations have a direct impact on improving the quality and efficiency of contract enforcement

, , ,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (6-2017)

The reinforcement of Iran’s financial system is a provision of Resistance Economy General Policies. Since the accounting is one key component of the financial system, this study aims at providing a justification for the role of accounting and the accrual basis in achieving Resistance Economy goals. This study is a qualitative research, and its theoretical basis is collected by the library method. Then, this research is an archive research. The findings exhibit that using accrual accounting fortifies Iran’s financial system (Resistance Economy General Policies: No. 9) and can prepare the promotion requirements of productivity, saving public expenditures and the economic transparency (Resistance Economy General Policies: No.3, No.16 & No.19). In other words, implementation of accrual accounting in public sector has a great effect on realizing some aspect of the Resistance Economy. Furthermore, the accounting is a middle link in the chain of the financial system, and its output is used by other two elements of the financial system (budgeting and auditing), then we can conclude that change in public sector accounting basis is the first step to strengthen Iran’s financial system.
Dr Yeganeh Mousavi Jahromi, Dr Elham Gholami,
Volume 7, Issue 27 (12-2019)

The existence of tax concessions (tax exemption, tax holiday, allowances …) provide the possibility of reducing tax liability via special tax provisions or regulations in tax laws  for some taxpayers, hence government loses  some tax revenues. Therefore, the forgone tax revenues resulting from some of the tax concessions for particular taxpayers, regions and sectors of an economy, are considered as tax expenditures. However, tax expenditures can be considered as a policy instrument for achieving the special economic goals, but do not appear in a regular budget and impose a lot of financial pressure on it.  In the recent decade, this reason causes tax expenditures are estimated and reported in a number of countries. The findings of the present study, which are derived from descriptive-analytic method with emphasis on comparative comparisons of tax expenditures in selected countries, indicate that in all of them, tax expenditures are studied with the aim to increase financial transparency of government and are calculated by using forgone revenue method. In compiling tax expenditures reports of the most countries tax expenditures are defined as a deviation of a specified benchmark tax system and they are presented independently or in related to the regular budgeting process.

Mohammad Soleimani Paytaq, Mohammadreza Armanmehr,
Volume 7, Issue 28 (3-2020)

Energy is considered as one of the most urgent and critical requirements of development.The high demand for energy from fossil fuels makes economic growth easy, but the current energy system is not sustainable due to its negative effects on the environment and human life. Sustainable development has been defined as a development that will provide the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations.The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of government's economic policies in controlling the environmental pollution of power plants with a view to achieving sustainable development.The study period in this study is 1374-1394 and its simulation is planned until 1407. For this purpose, the system dynamics method has been used. The dynamic system can display the most important economic-energy-environmental sub-systems seamlessly.The simulation results indicate that all three examined policy instruments (subsidies for new energy sources, rising fossil fuels prices and cost polic of new energies) were effective on increasing the production capacity of new energies and decreasing production capacity of fossil energies, and among these, the policy of reducing costs for developing of new energies has had the greatest impact.There is also a direct relationship between the production capacity of new energies and sustainable development and reverse relationship between the production capacity of new energies and greenhouse gas emissions.
Dr Mohammad Soleimani, Mr Vahid Nekouei,
Volume 8, Issue 30 (9-2020)

Researching into experiences of different countries shows that these countries adopt actions and policies according to their special conditions that can be interpret as a form of resistance the economic system. This paper used a library study method for experiences and actions of different countries and finally suggested some key ideas to achieve an operational model of Resilience in Iranian Economy. Economic Resilience is not merely a short-term plan or not a strategy against sanctions, it is a macro strategy, therefore, it should be viewed in a systematic framework. Using experiences of different countries in Economic Resilience is useful for Formation of macro strategy. This study shows that many countries have been using actions and policies that are parallel with the main components of the resilient economy, in order to achieve their goals. Localization of these experiences can pave the way for the realization of some factors that increase the resilience and flexibility of the economy, including reducing the dependence of the government budget and the country's foreign exchange needs on oil revenues, reducing unemployment, increasing people's role in the economy, efficient energy management and the creation of an optimal framework for trade interaction with other countries.
Dr. Wahhab Qelich,
Volume 8, Issue 30 (9-2020)

The banking system is executed by many beneficiaries such as depositors, borrowers, banking services customers, stockholders, banking staff and managers and etc. The beneficiaries’ rights observation of banking that usually is known as Corporate Governance in banking, has constructive effects on economic. The main goal of the research is the survey of beneficiaries’ rights observation in depositing operation of Riba-free banking system by corporate governance view and the analysis of some its solutions. The results of the research in Content Analysis method, show in depositing operation, the depositors have rights such as ontime and full determing and paying audited profit, correct doing advocacy and fulfillment of contract obligations by bank. Also the research explains some samples of violation of the rights and corporate governance debilitation. It seems using of “special wakalah” contract, depositing operation monitoring and banking network specialization can decline the challenges of the depositing operation of Riba-free banking system.
Reza Sarhangi,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (6-2023)

In this study, the effect of bank size, bank leverage and some capital structure ratios on systematic risk of banks listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange has been investigated. In this study, a sample of 10 companies is selected from the banks listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange in the period 2010 to 2019. This study has a main and a secondary objective, which are, respectively, "investigating the effect of leverage on systematic risk in banks listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange" and "investigating the role of bank asset quality on the relationship between systematic risk and banks' leverage". Econometric methods (pooled data method and estimated generalized least squares method) are used to examine the research questions. This research is an applied research, as its results can be used in the decision makings of managers, investors and analysts. The panel data method and library and documentary studies are used respectively to estimate the mode and gathering the needed information. In this regard, statistical indicators are derived using the financial statements of banks published in the Comprehensive Information System (Kodal). The results show that bank leverage affects the systematic risk of banks. Also, the findings show that adjusting the leverage doesn’t have any role in increasing the positive relationship between bank leverage and systematic risk of these banks by asset quality.
Mr Hossein Amini, Dr Farzaneh Khalili, Dr Majid Afsharirad, Dr Abdolrahim Hashemi Dizaj,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (9-2023)

The main aim of this article is to estimate the volume liquidity shocks and its impact along with other effective variables on the exchange rate system’s survival in the 9 countries with an exchange rate anchor monetary system and the 20 countries with an inflation targeting monetary system during the period of 1999-2020. In order to achieve this objective, volume liquidity shocks were first estimated using the residual method, and then low and high inflationary environments were estimated using the Markov rotation method in Ox-Metrix version 7 software. Finally, the survival of foreign exchange systems has been estimated using the quasi-parametric method with the Weibull distribution in Stata software version 17. The main results of the estimation showed that positive and negative shocks had negative, positive and significant effects on the durability or survival of exchange rate systems in both groups of countries, respectively. Moreover, the variables of gross domestic fixed capital formation, the degree of openness and marginal cost have, respectively had positive, positive and negative effects on the survival of currency systems in the group of countries under investigation. The inflationary environment had a negative and significant impact on the survival and permanence of the exchange rate systems in both groups of countries, but the effect of nominal effective exchange rate volatility on the survival of the exchange rate anchor system was not significant due to the adopted exchange rate arrangements of a stabilized currency system with a 2% and limited fluctuation range, which reduces the possibility of aggravating instability.
Sajedeh Jalilian, Ms. Zahra Nasrollahi, Mr. Mehdi Hajamini, Mr. Seyed Nezamuddin Makiyan,
Volume 12, Issue 48 (3-2025)

With the increasing emphasis on the welfare and supportive responsibilities of governments for low-income groups, the role of government social expenditures in achieving macroeconomic and developmental goals has gained significance. This study examines the impact of government social expenditures in education and healthcare on poverty, per capita income, and income inequality. To this end, a system of simultaneous equations is estimated using data from 1357 to 1399 and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The results of the growth-poverty-inequality triangle estimates indicate that economic growth in Iran, given the level of income inequality, has been poverty-inducing. Additionally, expenditures on education have led to poverty reduction, whereas insufficient healthcare expenditures have not had the same effect. Therefore, the proper allocation of government expenditures can adjust the relationships within this triangle toward pro-poor growth and poverty eradication.

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فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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