, Elham Pourali,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (4-2015)
Following up studying behavior of institutional investors for relationship with investment frequency, this research deals with studying qualitative and quantitative status of investment among institutional investors of companies listed at Tehran stock exchange. In order to calculate their behavior it was benefit from Hofstede cultural model based on 4 properties: male-orientedvs female-oriented, individualism vs plurality, prevention of uncertainty and gap of power. The tool for data collection in this research for the independent variables (cultural component) are standard questionnaire of Hofstede and for the dependent variable( investment frequency) is the reports for buying and selling stock and theboard of director report to the general assembly of shareholders. In this way, 42 persons as statistical sample among institutional investors of companies listed at Tehran stock exchange were selected and research questionnaire was completed by this people. While studying cultural status of institutional investors, it was determined that aforesaid society is male-oriented, individualism, prevention of uncertainty and gap of power. In the way of studying influence of cultural values on investment frequency it was determined that male-oriented does not have influence on investment frequency of institutional investors. Individualism, prevention of uncertainty and gap of power have influence on frequency of institutional investors. While studying influence of cultural values on existence or non-existence ofinvestment frequency, it was determined that male-oriented does not have influence on existence of investment frequency. Individualism, prevention of uncertainty and gap of power has influence on existence ofinvestment frequency among institutional investors. The gap power has the highest ability and prevention of uncertainty has less ability on anticipating existenceinvestment frequency.