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Showing 11 results for Credit Risk

Rafik Nazarian, Roghayh Aziziyanfard,
Volume 4, Issue 14 (10-2016)

The Net Spread generally considered as a sign of efficiency in resource management of banks and has a crucial role in liquidity and credit risks in any Banking system around the world. This important indicator is equal to the difference in borrowing and lending rates. The main objective of this study is to analyze the effective factors on Net Spread of the state-owned banks (Melli-Sepah-Keshavarzi-Tosee Saderat- Maskan) and private banks (Saman -Eghtesad_ Novin-Parsiyan-Pasargad-Karafarin-Mellat- Tejarat-Refah-Saderat) in Iran. To measure the effects of different variables on Net Spread, independent variables were divided into two groups: macroeconomic variables such as (index of liquidity of the stock market, the total amount of transactions in the stock market and the amount of demand deposits) and the  indicators related to the regulation of the banks’ supervision (such as the index of bank ownership, credit risk, liquidity risk and the marginal efficiency of capital) , then with applying the panel data method and annual data, these factor effects on the dependent variable were examined during the period of 1384 – 1392. The results of the estimated model show that among all the variables, the total amount of transactions in the stock market has the maximum, and the demand deposits have the minimum effects on Net Spread, and the index of liquidity of the stock market doesn’t have any significant effect on the dependent variable. Among the variables related to the banks’ supervision, liquidity risk, and credit risk respectively have the most and the least effect on the Net Spread, and the banks’ ownership doesn’t have any significant effect on the Net Spread. Results show that Net Spread does not differ significantly in the Private Banks and State –owned banks.The Net Spread generally considered as a sign of efficiency in resource management of banks and has a crucial role in liquidity and credit risks in any Banking system around the world. This important indicator is equal to the difference in borrowing and lending rates. The main objective of this study is to analyze the effective factors on Net Spread of the state-owned banks (Melli-Sepah-Keshavarzi-Tosee Saderat- Maskan) and private banks (Saman -Eghtesad_ Novin-Parsiyan-Pasargad-Karafarin-Mellat- Tejarat-Refah-Saderat) in Iran. To measure the effects of different variables on Net Spread, independent variables were divided into two groups: macroeconomic variables such as (index of liquidity of the stock market, the total amount of transactions in the stock market and the amount of demand deposits) and the  indicators related to the regulation of the banks’ supervision (such as the index of bank ownership, credit risk, liquidity risk and the marginal efficiency of capital) , then with applying the panel data method and annual data, these factor effects on the dependent variable were examined during the period of 1384 – 1392. The results of the estimated model show that among all the variables, the total amount of transactions in the stock market has the maximum, and the demand deposits have the minimum effects on Net Spread, and the index of liquidity of the stock market doesn’t have any significant effect on the dependent variable. Among the variables related to the banks’ supervision, liquidity risk, and credit risk respectively have the most and the least effect on the Net Spread, and the banks’ ownership doesn’t have any significant effect on the Net Spread. Results show that Net Spread does not differ significantly in the Private Banks and State –owned banks.

Zohreh Nadim, Mohammad Javad Mohagheghnia, Oveise Moharamoghlu,
Volume 7, Issue 26 (9-2019)

The financial system has an important role in health, growth and success of the country. Financial institutions include financial markets and institutions, as intermediary institutions, play an effective role in supply, Equipping and allocating of financial resources. Recent crises in the country's banking system have become a national challenge due to increased outstanding claims and liquidity shortfalls. Banks and financial institutions have to accept the risks of any investment and lending which affect the repayment of loans or deposits. Loans are the greatest and most obvious source of credit risk for most banks. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of efficiency and liquidity on credit risk of development banks during the years 2003-2017. In this regard, using the panel data method, the hypotheses of the research were studied. The results of the model estimation show that liquidity, deposit ratio and bank size have a positive and significant effect on the credit risk of development banks. Also, efficiency, margin of profit and returns of assets have a negative and significant effect on the credit risk of development banks. Overall, it can be concluded that improving the macroeconomic conditions has a significant effect on the absorption of deposits in banks. The size of the bank has a positive and significant effect on credit risk. Larger and more concentrated banks have complexity and many customers with different characteristics, so it is harder to monitor them. As a result, banks have less caution in lending, act in an arbitrary way, pay less attention to paying loans, and they hope that in the event of occurring a problem, government due to their concern about occurring a crisis, will support them. As a result, above mentioned factors lead to the increases of outstanding loans, reduce the financial stability and increase the probability of bankruptcy. For this, it is suggested that banking authorities provide competitive market conditions and prevent further concentration in this industry.
Dr. Hadi Radfar, Dr. Mahshid Shahchera, Dr. Behnaz Saboori,
Volume 7, Issue 27 (12-2019)

Banks are an essential elements of the financial discipline in many countries, and as financial intermediaries, they play a crucial role in achieving the growth and financial development of each state. Banking industry development and its efficiency can also lead to long-term economic growth and on the contrary, lack of banking network development may cause a decline in economic growth.
 Regarding the role of banks in financial markets and countries economy, identification of factors affecting the stability, the bank's financial performance and the magnitude impact of each element is of great importance. The stability and performance of banks cause an increase in their profitability and also the public welfare level.
 Meanwhile, the stability of the banking system as the core feature of the monetary-financial sector needs special consideration. Therefore, in the last two decades, financial stability has been considered as one of the main goals of the economic discipline by many policymakers and thinkers. This paper studies the simultaneous effect of liquidity risk and credentials risk on the stability of legitimized banks in Tehran Stock Exchange. The statistical population is the annual data of banks accepted in Tehran Exchange Stock from 2010 to 2017. The methodology used for model estimation is the dynamic data panel. The results of the model estimation show that the simultaneous effect of liquidity risk and credit risk variables on the banking stability index is negative and significant. The impact of bank scale and the fund ratio on bank stability index is positive and significant. Therefore, concerning the banking stability and risk management in banks play an essential role in monetary and financial markets.
Nader Rezaei, Alireza Garabaghlu Shahabi,
Volume 8, Issue 30 (9-2020)

Banks and their financial transactions have a positive impact on corporate income and the economy of the country. The purpose aimed to identify the relationship between liquidity risk and credit risk and their impact on bank stability. Therefore, paying attention to their stability conditions can have a stable economy. The present study is based on the correlation between variables in terms of applied and descriptive-survey method and, in terms of data type, is quantitative and retrospective and uses historical information and statistical methods to confirm or reject hypotheses. The statistical population of this research is 11 banks accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period of 1390-1394. The research findings show that there is a significant relationship between liquidity risk and credit risk, as well as liquidity risk and credit risk affect the instability of the bank.

Jalal Shirzadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 36 (3-2022)

Credit ratings reflect the publisher's ability and willingness to fulfill its financial obligations fully and in a timely manner, leading to increased confidence in listed corporations (publishers). The main purpose of the plan is to identify and present the obstacles and limitations of the activities of credit rating agencies of Tehran Stock Exchange (in terms of capital market development).According to the purpose of the research, the questionnaire of opinions of financial experts including academic and capital market experts in the form of Fuzzy Delphi method to gain knowledge and understanding of their views, validity of the theoretical framework and identification of barriers and limitations the activities of credit rating agencies of stock exchange corporations, securities, securities of Tehran have been obtained in accordance with the conditions and environmental situation of Iran. According to the consensus of experts, the research findings show that out of 52 indicators and questions asked for barriers and restrictions on the activities of credit rating agencies in Iran, a total of 13 indicators (including eight cultural, educational,‌ one economical and four legal indicators) were rejected. And 39 indicators were approved by experts. Also, among the 10 components proposed for barriers and restrictions on the activities of credit rating agencies in Iran, a total of two rejected cultural-educational components and a cultural-educational component, three economic components and four legal components were approved by experts. The above results can be interpreted and explained by the theory of information asymmetry and the efficient market hypothesis.
Dr Ghasem Parvarinezhad, Dr Abdonezam Jafari,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (6-2022)

Credit risk is one of the most important risk factors in banks and financing institutions. This risk arises when the recipients of credit facilities are not able to repay their installments and debts intentionally or unintentionally.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the credit risk of knowledge-based companies located in science and technology parks of Semnan province. For this purpose, using the logit regression model, the quantitative variables of Rosenbluth concentration index, value added ratio, capital formation in industry and virtual variables of ownership status and type of knowledge-based companies were used. In order to calculate the quantitative variables of the research, the micro-data of the Iranian industrial sector in 2016 and 2017 were used based on the four-digit industry codes (ISIC) and the model was fitted. According to the results, the variables of ratio of concentration and value added have a negative and significant effect on credit risk; as each of these variables increases, assuming the other variables remain constant, the likelihood of facility deferral or credit risk decreases. Credit risk increases as the capital formation ratio in the industry increases. Facilities are more likely to be deferred in limited liability companies and cooperatives than in private limited companies. The risk of lending facilities to Type 2 manufacturing companies is lower compared to start-ups and Type 1 manufacturing companies.
Mrs Marziyeh Ahmadi Ghouchan Atigh, Dr Said Sehat, Dr Hashem Nikoomara, Dr Maryam Khalili Araghi,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (6-2022)

The present study examines and identifies the effects of efficiency and financial risk, including credit risks, operational risk, liquidity risk, financial wealth risk on the performance of insurance companies. In fact, the question is whether there is a significant relationship between the types of financial risks and performance with performance.
The statistical sample data of the research includes 13 insurance companies listed on the stock exchange (Tehran) during the years 1392-1392. First, the research variables were calculated using Excell software and then the data was analyzed in a panel using Eviews and Stata software. . In the analysis of research questions, the results showed that there is a significant relationship between performance and credit risks, liquidity, operations and financial wealth. Risk and internal controls are in line with the establishment of corporate governance and accountability to stakeholders, and an appropriate governance structure is a prerequisite for an efficient system of risk management and financial wealth.
The results also showed that the relationship between efficiency and the type of performance is appropriate, meaningful and direct, so the existence of a comprehensive performance appraisal system for the organization to be aware of its performance and achievements is necessary to identify the gap between performance and goals. Take action at the most appropriate time possible.
Dr Abbasali Jafari-Nodoushan, Dr Somayeh Mousavi, Mrs Fatemeh Shoeleh, Mrs Golnaz Bagheri,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (9-2022)

The provision of facilities plays an important role in the banking industry. The credit risk is increased by customers' requests, and using a method to manage this risk is essential. During recent years, the customers’ credit scoring has been emphasized by most banks because of the increasing volume of deferred and due date claims. The importance of this issue is compounded by the prevalence of the Covid-19 virus, which affected the economies of all countries, especially the incomes of non-governmental businesses. In this paper, at first the impact of the prevalence of the virus on possibility of paying customers' installments is studied based on McNemar's Test. Then, the real customers’ credit scoring is performed for the Mellat Bank branches in Yazd province, and the effect of the Covid-19 virus is investigated on the significance of different variables, using the Logit regression. In this study, a random sample of 1200 real customers have been selected from the customers that have received facilities from the Mellat Bank branches in Yazd province from 1396 to 1399. The samples are divided into two equal parts; before and after the outbreak of the virus. The data on 16 selected variables are collected for both good and bad loan applicants. The results show that the prevalence of the virus has a significant effect on customers' default, so that it has increased sharply. Also, during the virus outbreak, the customer’s job type, marital status, and spouse's monthly income significantly impacted on the customers’ default with coefficient 3.3, -1.73 and 1.47 respectively, but these variables were not significant before the outbreak. Before the outbreak, the effective variables on customers’ default were the number of loan installments, collateral, credit history, and average account balance with coefficient 3.03, 2.82, -2.73 and 2.39, while the job type, monthly income and collateral were more effective after the outbreak with coefficient 3.3, 3.09 and 2.8.
Mr Reza Ghafouri, Dr Hossein Amiri, Mr Seyyed Naser Jafari,
Volume 10, Issue 40 (3-2023)

Banks play an important role in the country's economy, so increasing bank’s financial stability through the management of financial risks, including credit risk, is one of the most important factors in maintaining the stability of the economy. The mutual effect of credit risk and banking stability in 14 Iranian and 13 West Asian banks in period of 2012-2018 has been studied in this research using GMM approach. Findings show than both credit risk and bank stability have a mutual negative and statistically meaningful effect on eachother. Results also show that there is no meaningful difference between Iranian and West Asian banks about effect of credit risk on bank stability, but the negative impact of bank stability on Iraninan banks is greater. The results of this study can be used by banking sector policymakers to reduce credit risk and enhance bank stability.
Mr Ehsan Jalilifard, Phd Mohammad Sokhanvar, Phd Tahereh Akhoondzadeh Yousefi,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (6-2024)

The banking system, both Islamic and conventional banking, faces many risks, one of the most important of which is credit risk and liquidity. In Iran's Islamic banking system, facilities in the form of loan contracts, exchange, partnership and investment is granted. The interest rate of exchange contracts is determined by the central bank and it is fixed. In this research, the credit risk and liquidity of exchange contracts on the stability of Iran’s banking system have been investigated. Therefore, the financial information of 24 bank during the period of 1390-1397 have been analyzed using the econometric method of structural equation. Also to examine the bank stability variable from two indicators z-score and merton distance to default have been used. Based on the results obtained from both indicators, credit risk variable has the most positive effect and asset growth variable has the least positive effect on the stability of iran’s banking system. The impact of liquidity risk variable is also positive on the stability of iran’s banking system. Also, the effect of the inefficiency ratio variable on banking system is not significiant.
Dr Reza Taheri Abed, Mr Rahmat Khorasani Ejbarkolaee, Mr Ali Shirzad Kebria, Dr Jafar Azizi,
Volume 12, Issue 47 (12-2024)

Narcissism is a prominent personality trait, particularly common among corporate leaders, with a significant impact on their judgment and decision-making. This influence extends to the level of investment in research and development (R&D) within the companies they lead, potentially affecting corporate innovation. This study examines the impact of CEO narcissism on corporate innovation and the moderating effect of credit risk. Given the research constraints, a sample of 26 pharmaceutical companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange from 1389 to 1401 was analyzed. Data were collected from explanatory notes attached to financial statements and board reports. CEO narcissism was measured using signature size, while corporate innovation was assessed through R&D expenditure. Hypotheses were tested using panel data (with year effects controlled) and multivariate regression models. The results reveal that CEO narcissism does not affect corporate innovation. Additionally, credit risk does not moderate the relationship between CEO narcissism and corporate innovation. These findings expand the theoretical understanding of CEO narcissism and offer practical implications for R&D investment decisions and the selection of corporate managers.

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فصلنامه سیاستهای مالی و اقتصادی Quarterly Journal of Fiscal and Economic Policies
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